
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Eiheiji (永平寺)

Eiheiji (永平寺) is a large temple complex and active monastery standing on a cedar covered slope in the mountains just outside Fukui City. The temple was founded in 1244 by Dogen, the Buddhist scholar who introduced Soto Zen from China to Japan in 1228. Eiheiji is one of two head temples of the Soto Sect of Zen Buddhism (the other was formerly Sojiji Temple on the Noto Peninsula before its head functions were transferred to Yokohama).

The sizable temple complex consists of over 70 buildings and structures which are connected to each other by covered walkways that protect from the heavy snow seen in the region from December to March. The warmer months bring lush vegetation to the temple grounds, which are especially beautiful from late October to early November when the autumn colors typically peak.

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1 comment :

  1. Very interesting article and beautiful place. Thank you!
