Japanese cuisine is based on combining staple foods, typically Japanese rice or noodles, with a soup and okazu — dishes made from fish, vegetable, tofu and the like – to add flavor to the staple food. In the early modern era ingredients such as red meats that had previously not been widely used in Japan were introduced.
Japanese teishoku meal including tempura, sashimi and miso shiru. |
Japanese cuisine is known for its emphasis on seasonality of food, quality of ingredients and presentation. Japanese cuisine offers a vast array of regional specialties that use traditional recipes and local ingredients. The Michelin Guide has awarded restaurants in Japan more Michelin stars than the rest of the world combined.
Breakfast at a ryokan (Japanese inn), featuring grilled mackerel, Kansai style dashimaki egg, tofu in kaminabe (paper pot) |
Kaiseki appetizers on a legged tray |
主食に風味を追加するには - 魚、野菜、豆腐などから作った料理を - 日本料理はスープとおかずで、主食、一般的に日本のご飯や麺を組み合わせに基づいています。以前は広く日本で使用されていなかったような赤肉、早くも近代成分で導入されました。
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