
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jigokudani Monkey Park (地獄谷野猿公苑)

Jigokudani Monkey Park (地獄谷野猿公苑) is in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is part of the Joshinetsu Kogen National Park (locally known as Shigakogen), and is located in the valley of the Yokoyu-River, in the northern part of the prefecture. The name Jigokudani, meaning "Hell's Valley", is due to the steam and boiling water that bubbles out of small crevices in the frozen ground, surrounded by steep cliffs and formidably cold and hostile forests.

The heavy snowfalls (snow covers the ground for 4 months a year), an elevation of 850 meters, and being only accessible via a narrow two kilometer footpath through the forest, keep it uncrowded despite being relatively well-known.

It is famous for its large population of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), more commonly referred to as Snow Monkeys, that go to the valley during the winter, foraging elsewhere in the national park during the warmer months. Starting in 1963, the monkeys descend from the steep cliffs and forest to sit in the warm waters of the onsen (hot springs), and return to the security of the forests in the evenings.

Macaques enjoying an onsen in Jigokudani Monkey Park in Nagano

The valley base at Jigokudani in June

地獄谷野猿公苑では長野県、日本にある。それは、(地元で志賀高原として知られている)上信越高原国立公園の一部であり、県の北部に、Yokoyu-川の渓谷に位置しています。 「地獄の谷」を意味する名前地獄谷は、険しい崖と恐ろしく寒いと敵対森に囲まれ、凍土の小さな割れ目から泡蒸気に起因すると沸騰水です。


それは、暖かい季節に別の場所で国立公園の採餌、冬の間の谷​​に行くより一般的に雪のサルと呼ばれる野生のニホンザル、その大規模な人口のために有名である。 1963年に開始し、サルは温泉の暖かい海に座って、そして夜に森のセキュリティに戻るには、急な崖や森林から降りる。

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