
Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Kyoto Imperial Palace (京都御所)

The Kyoto Imperial Palace (京都御所) used to be the residence of Japan's Imperial Family until 1868, when the emperor and capital were moved from Kyoto to Tokyo. It is located in the spacious Kyoto Imperial Park (京都御苑), an attractive park in the center of the city that also encompasses the Sento Imperial Palace and a few other attractions.

The current Imperial Palace was reconstructed in 1855 after it had burnt down and moved around town repeatedly over the centuries. The complex is enclosed by long walls and consists of several gates, halls and gardens. The enthronement ceremonies of Emperors Taisho and Showa were still held in the palace's main hall, but the present Emperor's ceremony took place at the Tokyo Imperial Palace.
The palace grounds can be entered only on guided tours (in English or Japanese) held by the Imperial Household Agency. Tours take about one hour and lead past the buildings and gardens, but none of the buildings can be entered. Advance reservations are mandatory and can be made online or at the Imperial Agency Office, which is also located within the Kyoto Imperial Park.

それが焼失し、何世紀にもわたって繰り返し街を移動した後に、現在の皇居は、 1855年に再建されました。複合体は、長い壁で囲まれ、いくつかのゲート、ホールや庭園で構成されています。皇帝大正·昭和の即位の儀式はまだ宮殿のメインホールで開催されましたが、本天皇の式典が皇居で行われました。


"Seiryoden" by Wikiwikiyarou - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

"Imperial Palace in Kyoto - looking into south gate of main building 3" by Ryuch - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

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